Is it really possible to have a business buying and selling wholesale designer handbags? If you are looking to buy wholesale designer handbags, either for personal enjoyment or for a business, it is important to learn about buying wholesale handbags in bulk as well as what to avoid when working with dealers. This article will tell you how and where to begin.

My name is Kelly Clarke and I got involved in this business because I wanted to be able to work from home, control my time, and be able to spend time with my family.  I started doing research and came across a lot of information, so I decided to answer some common questions, and then I decided I wanted to tell people about the best resource I found to get started.

So let’s get started.

People who are interested in getting involved in buying or selling wholesale designer handbags need to be aware of several things.

Wholesale Designer Handbag SupplierFirst, if you want to do this as a business you of course have to find a good supplier of wholesale handbags.  There are LOTS of suppliers, but not all suppliers are good suppliers.  Lots of them sell cheap junk, fake bags, or some are even out to rip you off.  I was able to learn this information, so here are some warning signs and red flags to help prevent you from losing money.

Tip 1:  To find a vendor you need to focus on these things.  1)  How long has the vendor been in business?  How long do they claim to have been in business?  A simple check of their website can, many times, tell you if they are lying.  To check this out go to and enter in their website information.  If they say they have been in business for 7 years, yet the whois information shows that they have only had that website for 2 years, that might be a red flag (or it might be that they changed websites).

Tip 2:  Any company should be able to provide references and resources, and buying wholesale handbags in bulk is no different.  You want to deal with a company that has experience and has many happy customers.  Ask to speak to a few of these references.  Tell them you have been burnt in the past and want to make sure you are dealing with a good company.

Tip 3:  Check out the feedback of these companies.  Many companies will be listed in directions and you can get good information on them by checking out their online information.

Tip 4:  Before you buy a large shipment you need to work with a few companies who and see who can deliver the best service and prices.  You also will want to get some samples.  Now most companies are not going to give you free samples because they realize that if they did that then they would always just have tire kickers and people wanting to get free bags just for fun.

If you are seriously wanting to get into a business of buying and selling wholesale designer handbags then you need to avoid these mistakes.  I would recommend that you check out this product here.  You have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain!

I wish you great success in selling wholesale designer handbags!

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