Finding Wholesale Handbag Suppliers:
Before you make your first purchase from a wholesale handbag supplier you need to make sure that this company is legitimate. There are different ways to verify this. First, make sure the supplier is willing to give you plenty of contact information. If they company is secretive, or it is hard to reach people, then there is a good chance that this wholesale handbag supplier is a fly-by-night operation and is only in business to bill people and then to rip them off.
A good test for all wholesale handbag suppliers is to see what type of billing options they offer. If they only offer sending money by check or by wiring money transfers, then there is a very good chance it is not a legitimate wholesale handbag supplier. Many times people who purchase from these suppliers end up sending money and never receiving their inventory. When they try to track down the company they find out that unfortunately the company phone number or email has been disconnected….or that you have no resource options. Calling up the police won’t do a thing because the company is located in another country, and the police there have no jurisdiction. You’re out of money and out of luck with no purses or handbags!
One way to verify the company is to see how long their website has been in operation. Go to and put in their website address as if you were trying to register their domain name. This will then give you an option to see their “whois” information. This will show you how long the domain has been registered, meaning that if they have only been there recently you should look at that and then ask them how long they have been in business. This should also provide additional information like a phone number, and more.
If the company is located in the United States you can check online at their states secretary of state website to see if they are a registered business, and also check with the Business Better Bureau. The best way to buy from wholesale handbag suppliers is to use a credit card. That way if there are any issues you can call up your credit card company to dispute the charges.
These are just a few tips and tricks you need to know if you are considering purchasing wholesale handbags from a wholesale handbag suppliers. Other things to look out for include the minimum about of bags they will sell (most companies HAVE to sell at least in small amounts of bulk because this is how they make their money), check to see if the wholesale handbag suppliers have good references or resources.
Also, make sure you build a relationship with one of the people there. If they pressure you to act immediately, make sure you take your time and don’t rush.
Unfortunately, there are many, many scams in existence that involve wholesale handbag suppliers, so if you are serious about buying and sell handbags at wholesale prices you need to find a good source of information. Luckily, this information has been compiled and done for you. The last thing you want to do is risk losing hundreds or thousands of dollars, get ripped off, waste your time, or become incredibly frustrated. To protect yourself you need to educate yourself properly, because ignorance is NOT bliss! To educate yourself on this business and to avoid making mistakes click here! You’ll instantly receive information on how to properly build a wholesale handbag business, that will allow you to work from home, and build financial freedom and security!
This resource is what I personally use and recommend, and you can’t go wrong with it. I wish you nothing but success!