Designer Bags at Wholesale PricesLooking for authentic designer handbags at wholesale prices?  I’m here to help!  This article will discuss the basics of starting your own business buying and selling wholesale hand bags.

So, if you are you looking to get designer bags at wholesale prices continue reading on and get out a pen and paper and take some notes!  It will save you money and lots of headaches.

Now, many people are considering getting involved in a business by selling designer bags at wholesale prices.  This article will discuss some things to look out for if thinking about getting involve in selling designer bags wholesale.

First, make sure you are working with good wholesale handbag suppliers.  Finding a good supplier is not automatic or easy.  Many suppliers are hard to find.  Of course you can buy a list of designer bag suppliers off the Internet on some place like eBay, but there are several problems with this.

1)  Most of the time the list is absolutely junk.  Why is it junk?  Think about it.  Since finding good suppliers is NOT easy, why would someone give them away for such a cheap price of $5 or $10.

2)  If you work with a supplier that can provide you designer bags wholesale to sell then you must understand that you will have to buy a certain amount of these bags to be taken seriously.  You can’t just buy 1 bag, that is not how it works.  If you try to approach these places and buy 1 bag many times you’ll get laughed at.  Why is this the case?  Because these places have people trying to get 1 bag as a “free sample” all the time, and they make money by selling bags.

Wholesale Burberry Handbags3)  There are a lot of companies and suppliers that claim they can deliver the designer bags wholesale for you, but this is rarely the case.  There are companies out there that will be glad to take your money, and then they will deliver the products.  This means you need to know how to protect yourself if you are considering a business selling designer bags wholesale.

Using a credit card to protect yourself is just one tip that we recommend if you are wanting to get involved in this business.

Once you do get involved in this business how are you going to sell your designer bags wholesale? The good news is there are indeed many options.  You have trade shows, flea markets, the Internet, home parties, fundraising events, word of mouth…and that is just the tip of the iceberg.  One of the best kept secrets in the designer bags wholesale business is that you need to keep a database of active and past customers.  That way when you get a new bag in stock, you can sell it quickly!

A lot of people are looking to get into the designer bags wholesale business because of the financial security it can provide them by either having an extra income, or leaving their job altogether to work for themselves.  If you are seriously considering getting involved in the business of selling designer bags wholesale then you need to educate yourself so you do not make mistakes that can end up costing you a lot f money, and giving you serious frustration.

If you are considering getting involved in the designer bags wholesale business then you are in luck. Click the link on the right and you can get instant access to learn how to start and grow a designer bags wholesale business with a directory of high quality wholesale bag suppliers.  This is the resource that I recommend and that I personally used when starting my business.

Best of all you have absolutely no risk because there is a full unconditional money back 60 day guarantee.  You have absolutely no risk, but everything to gain!  Click here today to learn more!

You can’t go wrong!

I wish you success in starting your business selling designer hand bags.




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