Buy Wholesale Handbags
So, you looking to buy wholesale handbags. The question is where to begin? There are many reasons why you may be wanting to do this– the most common reason for people wanting to buy wholesale designer handbags is to start a business selling wholesale handbags.
This article will discuss mistakes to avoid if you are in the market to buy wholesale handbags.
Mistake #1: People who claim to sell wholesale designer handbags, and want you to pay by money order, check, or wire transfer without protection for you. You know what happens when you buy wholesale handbags from these people? They take your money, and you never see any handbags. It is scam! You need to deal with reputable people and companies, and no reputable person or company will not provide proper checkout procedures. If at all possible, try to use your credit card to fund purchases so you are protected by credit card merchant protection.
Mistake #2: Relying on a cheap list to buy wholesale designer handbags. You’ve probably seen these cheap lists before that promise you info on where you can buy wholesale handbags. Lots of times these lists are sold for under $20 on eBay. Let’s get real. These lists are junk. Having reputable dealers to where you can buy wholesale handbags from is valuable, and there is NO way anyone with any common sense would sell that list for under $20.
Mistake #3: People claiming that you can buy wholesale handbags without having to order a significant amount, or minimum amount. These handbags are being sold wholesale, so you have to buy a specific # of them that will vary on each supplier or vendor. They are NOT going to let you buy just 2 or 3 bags. Now, there are some exceptions on which merchants you are dealing with, but don’t think you are just going to pickup a bag here or there for your own personal enjoyment. It just doesn’t happen. And there are no free samples, at least not until you develop a serious relationship with your suppliers. Once that happens, then yes, you can get samples now and then, but you don’t want to take advantage of this.
Mistake #4: Do not trust a company that is not up front with their contact information, address, and people you can speak to if you are looking to buy wholesale handbags from a vendor or suppler. These companies want to make money, and they know that relationships are important. If you are working with a company that is all “hush-hush” and secretive then it is probably a scam. Also, if you ever get a weird feeling, you probably should trust your gut feeling.
Mistake #5: Be wary of account setup fees and other nonsense fees. This is normally just an excuse for a place that doesn’t have a large supply, can’t even sell you bags at a discount, or is just shady in general.
If you avoid these 5 mistakes when you buy wholesale handbags you will avoid costing yourself time, money, energy and will avoid huge frustrations and hassles. Yes, you can have a profitable business reselling wholesale handbags, but you need to know specific details. These 5 mistakes are just the beginning of things you need to know.
Now, if you are seriously wanting to start a business to buy and sell wholesale handbags you need to understand that while though it is a pretty easy business, there are a few things you have to do to be successful. The above was just the beginning of things you need to be aware of. You also need to know how to sell the handbags, shipping, customs, import rules, taxes, and more.
Now what I recommend, and what helped me TREMENDOUSLY was getting a list of serious and reputable vendors. These vendors do change, and different options and requirements change to do business with them. For that reason I recommend the wholesale handbag suppliers guide linked on the right.
It really helped me when I was looking to start a business dealing in wholesale handbags. You’ll discover the insider tips and strategies that will allow you to start your own profitable wholesale handbag business. Best of all you are protected by a 60 day money back guarantee.
I still use this resource every day in my business, so that is why it is my #1 recommendation. To learn more click here!
I wish you success in your goals and dreams and the freedom that can come from building a business selling wholesale handbags.